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Work with us!

Job type: Full Time


          • Experience leading a team in a retail environment.

          • Excelent problem-solving, leadership, and communication skills.

          • Proven ability to set and achieve financial and business objectives.

          • Experience enforcing and maintaining company policies and procedures.

          • Firm understanding of sales, promotions, trends, retail markets, and merchandising.

          • Excellent customer service skills.

          • Must meet deadlines and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

          • Organizational skills and attention to detail.

          • Experience creating, maintaining and updating employee shifts and chores.

          • Ability for rotating schedules, nights, weekends and holidays.

Job vacancy locations:

• Plaza las Américas, San Juan

Job vacancy locations:

• Plaza las Américas, San Juan

• San Patricio Plaza, Guaynabo

Job type: Full Time


          • Experience leading a team with in a retail setting.

          • Excellent problem-solving, leadership, and communication skills.

          • Experience enforcing and maintaining company policies and procedures.

          • Excellent customer service skills.

          • Must meet deadlines and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

          • Organizational skills and attention to detail.

          • Ability to adapt and learn quickly.

          • Experience creating, maintaining and updating employee shifts and chores.

          • Ability for rotating schedules, nights, weekends and holidays.

Job type: Part Time


          • Excellent customer service skills.

          • Computer skills.

          • Completes shipments by processing and loading orders.

          • Bilingual (preferably)

          • Availability to work Thusday to Monday.

          • Must meet deadlines and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

          • Quick and effective problem-solving skills.

          • Ability to adapt and learn quickly.

          • Organizational skills and attention to detail.

Job vacancy locations:

• Plaza del Sol, Bayamón

Job vacancy locations:

• Plaza del Caribe, Ponce

• Plaza las Américas, San Juan

• The Outlets at Montehiedra, San Juan

Job type: Part Time | Full Time


          • Excellent customer service skills.

          • Excellent problem-solving, leadership, and communication skills.

          • Ability to adapt and learn quickly.

          • Organizational skills and attention to detail.

          • Ability for rotating schedules, nights, weekends and holidays.

Job type: Part Time | Full Time


          • Work as a team player.

          • Quick and effective problem-solving skills.

          • Ability to adapt and learn quickly.

          • Attention to detail, organizational and time management skills.

          • Basic computer knowledge.

          • Ability for rotating schedules, nights, weekends and holidays.

          • Ability to lift heavy objects.

Job vacancy locations:

• Plaza las Américas, San Juan (Gerente - Full Time)

Job vacancy locations:

• San Patricio Plaza, Guaynabo

Job type: Part Time


          • Excellent customer service skills.

          • Clearly and effectively communicate with customers.

          • Work as a team player.

          • Quick and effective problem-solving skills.

          • Ability to adapt and learn quickly.

          • Basic mathematics and financial knowledge.

          • Ability for rotating schedules, nights, weekends and holidays.

Job type: Part Time


          • Clearly and effectively communicate with customers.

          • Work as a team player.

          • Quick and effective problem-solving skills.

          • Ability to adapt and learn quickly.

          • Organizational skills and attention to detail.

          • Dynamic, which spreads his enthusiasm.

          • Ability for rotating schedules, nights, weekends and holidays.

Job vacancy locations:

• Plaza Carolina, Carolina

• San Patricio Plaza, Guaynabo

• The Outlets at Montehiedra, San Juan